Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials

Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials

The course is intended to convey various computer-aided calculation methods, solution approaches and possibilities for implementing physical processes in the fields of building physics and materials relevant in the construction industry. The focus is on the microscopic and macroscopic consideration of active processes in porous building material systems, such as concrete, geopolymers, insulation materials.


The lectures will address the different computational methods, solution strategies, discretization and implementation possibilities for physical processes that occur in building physics and/or construction materials. Emphasis will be on the micro to macro scale level and on processes that are active in porous construction materials such as concrete, geopolymers, insulation materials, etc.

Typical problems that will be addressed in this module will be on modelling moisture and/or reactive transport in porous media, heat transport, phase change materials and energy storage, insulation materials, temperature imposed deformations and stresses, and cement hydration.

The module will provide a full solution strategy, so from physical problem, to analysis, schematization and to a computational solution.

The lecture will be held in English language


Professor Prof. Dr. ir. E.A.B. Koenders
Supervision by: Dr. Chem. Ing. Neven Ukrainczyk
M.Sc. Max Löher
Rotation Summer Semester
Credit Points 6 CP

Literature recommendations

Mehling, H.; Cabeza F. (2008): Heat and cold storage with PCM: An up to date introduction into basics and applications, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Ekkehard Holzbecher, Environmental Modeling Using MATLAB, Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-72936.
Numerical integration and Differential Equations, Matlab documentation, MathWorks 2015.
Transport Processes in Porous Media, Autoren: Coutelieris, Frank A., Delgado, J.M.P.Q, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Heat and Mass Transfer, Autoren: Baehr, Hans Dieter, Stephan, Karl, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Kattan, P. I. (2008): MATLAB Guide to Finite Elements: An Interactive Approach, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.