M.Sc. Maximilian Löher


work +49 6151 16-22221
fax +49 6151 16-22211

Work L5|06 244
Franziska-Braun-Straße 3
64287 Darmstadt

Research focus

  • Photocatalytic air purification in cement-based materials
  • Material simulation
  • CFD simulation
  • Reactive transport modelling
Since WS 2020/2021 Responsible for “Structural Damage and Structural Analysis”
Since WS 2020/2021 Responsible for “Building in Existing Contexts and Energy Refurbishment”
Guest lectures
September 2021 Title: “Introduction to Mass Transfer in Cementitious Materials”
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Since 08/2020 Research Assistant, Institute of Construction and Building Materials, TU Darmstadt
10/2015 – 04/2020 Civil Engineering (M.Sc.), TU Darmstadt
Specialization: Construction mechanics
09/2015 – 08/2016 Research Student, Nagoya University (名古屋大学), Japan
Supported by the DAAD
10/2011 – 9/2015 Civil Engineering (B.Sc.), TU Darmstadt
Specialization: Structural engineering

Currently ongoing:

  • Investigation of the transport mechanisms in porous cement based materials, M.Sc.
  • Investigation of glass aggregates in mineral foams, B.Sc.
  • Investigation of crucial parameter in light transport in mineral building materials, B.Sc.


  • Development of a measuring module based on low cost NOx sensors to measure the air-cleaning capacity in TiO2-based mineralized foams, M.Sc., 2021