Many existing buildings are getting older. They are subject to numerous damage processes over their service life, due to the effects of weathering or mechanical stress, and need to be refurbished. This offers the opportunity to design a building in a future-oriented way. In the lecture, the energetic inventory, as well as the basics of refurbishment concepts are presented in detail and clearly conveyed with numerous examples. Deconstruction and the handling of pollutants are also dealt with.

In the case of refurbishment, both structural and technical options for energy-efficient refurbishment are discussed.
However, poorly planned refurbishments can sometimes also result in further considerably more expensive refurbishments. Here, as well, the students are taught possible sources of errors through concrete examples and how they can be avoided.

Through simulations and building balancing, a refurbishment can be worked out, evaluated and it can be found out to what extent a refurbishment is worthwhile. With regard to climate change, students are also shown developments in refurbishment.
Literature recommendations
Müller,R.(2009.), Bauen im Bestand: Schäden, Maßnahmen und Bauteile. Katalog für die Altbauerneuerung |
Reul,H.(2009.), Die Sanierung der Sanierung: Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele |
Maier,J.(2011.), Energetische Sanierung von Altbauten |
Müller,R.(2008.), Handbuch, Umbau und Modernisierung: planen-kalkulieren-ausführen |