
Scientific networks:

The Institute of Construction and Building Materials is part of the following research network:

SARCOS CA COST Action CA15202 Self-healing As preventive Repair of COncrete Structures
Superconcrete (EU Horizon 2020) Theoretical models for next-generation concretes
Projektbezogener Personenaustausch mit Italien (DAAD-MIUR Joint Mobility Program) Toward a unified modelling approach for next generation sustainable concrete
Profilbereich E+E der TU Darmstadt Energy and Environment (E+E)
Das WiB im Leichtbauatlas Der LEICHTBAUATLAS ist ein interaktives Portal des BMWi zur Darstellung der leichtbaurelevanten Kompetenzen in Deutschland

The listed scientific networks give students and scientists the opportunity to take part in an international professional exchange of information. Projects like fundable mobility can be used for the elaboration of master's theses, scientific papers or the development of new projects.