Concrete Durability

Concrete Durability

The module Durability of Concrete teaches the relationship between damage and countermeasures of concretes.


Durability represents an essential design and evaluation parameter for concrete. First, you will gain comprehensive knowledge about damage mechanisms in concrete. On this basis, you will learn practical measures to increase the durability of concrete.

Three topics will be covered:

  • Fundamentals of concrete durability (microstructure, capillarity, permeability, cracking).
  • Attacks on concrete and reinforcement (based on the exposure classes according to DIN EN 206 and DIN 1045-2).
  • Increasing the durability of concrete (through formulation adjustments, curing and on the existing component).

Exercises and Internships

Practical courses take place on three dates. In the first practical course, you will create the light microscopic image of a concrete sample and analyze its microstructure using the ImageJ image analysis software. In the second practical course, you will determine the wear and frost resistance of a concrete sample. In the third practical course, you will analyze the carbonation progress in concrete using different methods.

Homework assignment

Their task is to modify a reference mortar with a given formulation in such a way that it achieves a higher durability (e.g. use of air entraining agents to increase frost resistance). Subsequently, the reference sample and the modified sample are to be prepared and analyzed and compared with regard to the improved durability parameter.


Professor Prof. Eddie Koenders
Other instructors: Dr. chem. Neven Ukrainczyk
Guests: e.g. Dr. Henk Jonkers (TU Delft)
Supervision by: M.Sc. Donglin Cao
M.Sc. Felix Berger
Rotation Winter Semester
Requirements Bachelor course “Construction and Building Materials”
Credit Points 6 CP