Basics of structural engineering

Basics of structural engineering

The module "Basics of Structural Engineering" consists of 2 partial courses, which are offered jointly by the Institute of Materials in Building (WiB), the Institute of Structural Design and Building Construction (KGBauko) and the Department of Facade Engineering.


The module “Basics of Structural Engineering” consists of two parts that are offered jointly by the Institute of Construction and Building Materials, the Institute of Building Construction, and the Faculty of Facade Technology.

The lecture “Basics of Structural Engineering, Part 1” is organized, supervised, and held by the Institute of Building Construction. Topics of the lecture include the introduction of common structural connections and detailed solutions for building projects. Based on practical examples, all relevant constructional basics for building elements (from foundation to roof) will be outlined. For more information visit the web page of the Institute of Building Construction:

The lecture “Basics of Structural Engineering, Part 2” is organized, supervised, and held by the Institute of Construction and Building Materials and the Faculty of Facade Technology. The lecture contains an introduction to the physics of building topics concerning heat and sound insulation, moisture control, and fire protection. Practical examples will clarify the physics of building designs and also the connection between construction materials and their physical behaviour.

At the end of the semester an excursion will also be part of the module.


Lecturer Prof. Dr. ir. E.A.B. Koenders
Supervision by: M.Sc. Maximilian Mayer
Rotation Sommer Semester
Credit Points 6 CP

Module Structure

Module Part of the module Room/Time Auxiliary material Additional information
Basics of Structural Engineering Basics of Structural Engineering, Part 1 (Building Construction) None A minimum score in each exam must be reached to pass both parts
Basics of Structural Engineering, Part 2 (Building Physics) None